Friday, 6 January 2012

The Year they're calling the end of the World...

So supposedly we have a few months left to live, if the predictions are right, and I've always been fascinated by this...I mean how do you handle a life deadline, do you go out and live life to the fullest (which technically we should be doing anyway, but who has the time...), blow your money on travelling around the world, partying up a storm etc, which sounds awesome, but what happens if you wake up the day after D-Day, then you have nothing - can you claim back? :)

I matriculated in 1999, and we had to write our final exams 2 months early, so that all the marking could be out before the Y2K computer crash...which never came...other than a fantastically long holiday at the end, it was a rough year squeezed into 10 months all because of some prophesier :)

With that in mind, I don't like to make new year's resolutions, as I find they come with too much pressure, and usually disappointment! So I prefer to give myself some guidelines for the year, and I start out by a good 'ol closet clean out...and being the perfectionist I am, tidy cupboards make me feel like a new world has opened, which is definitely a positive start :) LOL

I also decided that for most of 2011 I kept trying to get healthier, and achieved this for the odd month or 2, but this year I seriously need to get off my butt! I have started with a morning gym swim, and a dog walk so far this week, so off to a good start! This morning, however, I woke up to the startling realisation that I only have 4 months left until my wedding!!!! Panic-stricken I realised that I had just cut my exercise regime from my initial 6 month plan to 4...where does the time go?

So what better incentive than a bikini-clad honeymoon to get into shape for :)

1 x anti-new-year's-resolution on course - check!

With the same shell-shocked-wedding-look on my face I turned to Derrick and said, what if I've forgotten something...I'm sure I am not the only bride / women for that matter, who has experienced the sinking feeling, that even after all your detailed planning, and list-upon-list, you may have - God-forbid - missed something! I am starting to understand where the term Bridezilla comes from, 'cause as hard as you try to stay relaxed the ticking time bomb of the 'BIG' day looms ever present in your subconcious! I am striving to not be that bride, so fingers crossed...but I have to admit that I am super excited!!!

Another biggie on the calendar this year is my 30th...key anticipation music...right after my wedding, maybe not a great idea 'cause I will be broke, but at least I get a honeymoon, so that will be kind of an early welcome to 30! I know I'm supposed to feel all depressed about the big 3-0, but I am pretty much ready for it...besides I had my little breakdown at 27, so I'm good to go. Why 27 I hear you saying, well anything from 20 to 26 you can pull off as your early 20's, but once you hit 27, you can no longer justify the early-20's debate, and thus you become...dare-I-say-it...late-20's! Now I know in the grand scheme of things this is young, and anyone over 40 would surely laugh in my face, but I put money on them having complained about 30 too...don't deny it, and no you didn't walk barefoot to school in the snow back then either, so don't even try it :)

2011 was a really tough year for us, a lot of 'school fees' were paid, a lot of character-building was developed, and many a tear shed...but I have a feeling in my bones that 2012 is going to be a goodie, whether the world ends or not, that's my story and I'm sticking with it!

Have an awesome year everyone :)

1 comment:

  1. good luck with all your plans for 2012 and sounds like its going to be a great year for you!
