Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Daddy's Little Girl

Well, this is my first blog, and perhaps a rather serious topic to start on, but hey let's go for it!

With Father's Day having just passed us by, it brings me to many thoughts of my dad who passed away 5 years ago. It made me think about the role a dad plays in his daughter's life, and why there is such a strong bond between father and daughter?

I pretty much grew up with just my dad, so for me he became the only guiding light in my life, and it is obviously indicative of why we had such a great bond. But perhaps for others it is the way a man looks at life, which provides a daughter with an alternative outlook on things, whereas women are often overly consumed by the details. Is it the softness that a daughter brings to the edges of the man's-man?
I'm from a traditionally British family, where affection is reserved for weddings and funerals, but yet I always knew that my dad loved me and was watching over me. It's a sense of protection that no matter what my dad is going to be there for me.

I am intrigued to know how other women, who have lost their dads, feel on Father's Day, is it a sad day filled with heartache or is it a time to reflect on the happy memories?

For me, I am filled with mixed emotions, but one feeling is strong...no matter what my Dad did / did not achieve in life, he was a great man in my eyes!

I loved this blog from a dad's perspective: http://www.chalkboarddad.com/2011/01/bond-between-father-and-daughter-or-i.html


  1. Hi Carls,

    great first post and an important topic at that. I also had a bit of a funny father's day as my grandfather had just passed away. I know it's not the same but I did experience a feeling of loss on the day and a worry for my own dad. This is the post I did on it. http://ofbeautyandlove.blogspot.com/2011/06/im-daddys-girl.html

    Good luck with the blog and welcome to the world of blogging. It is a lot of fun.

  2. gorgeous post and i remember 'just you and your dad' special times and remember them all! lovely blog too! will be keeping an eye on it! x

  3. Carls, this is a beautiful post my friend. Having you as a friend over the past 8 years has added so much value to my life. Your dad would be proud of your strength, compassion and tenacity. You are amazing!

    This was the 3rd Fathers Day since my Dad passed away and yes... it's a day of very mixed feelings. I guess I try my best to celebrate his life and try constantly to exude the characteristics he nurtured within me. Sometimes a little difficult watching others spoil their dads on Father's day, yes! Allow yourself to feel the heartache and heal yourself with the memories!

    I LOVE you my friend!

  4. Desiree Lester-Reed27 June 2011 at 05:47

    Wow Carls, very moving post. Your dad was such a special man, I remember him so clearly and u guys just got each other.

    Remember all his good things and all her did for you and gave you and celebrate who he was, but when you miss him and wanna cry, then do that too.

    Our dads are so special and I am so blessed that I still have mine in my life.
    Thank you for the reminder!
