Sunday, 26 June 2011

Simple & Inspiring

On Twitter today Khloe Kardashian...of all people...tweeted an amazing quote by Elbert Hubbard (controversial author who died in 1915, his family boarded the Lusitania 3 years after the Titanic sank, and while at sea, it was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine):

"The biggest mistake you can make
 is continually fearing you will make one".

The quote really struck me, as I'm sure we have all at one time or another felt too apprehensive to try something new for fear of not doing it well. I can't speak for everyone but I know that I have definitely missed out on a few new experiences, as I was too scared to even try them...what if I look stupid, what if people laugh at me, what if I can't do it.

I also Wiki'd the author so that I could see where the quote was coming from, and after reading the story of Elbert and his family's death, it made his quote that much more inspiring to me. I know I would think twice before getting on a cruise liner 3 years after the greatest liner ever to take to the seas had sunk...guess Elbert was the sort of man who lived life, and didn't let his fear hold him back.

Definitely something to think about...thanks Khloe! 

I would love you to send me quotes / just words that inspire you!


  1. there are so many out there, but heres one for you...
    "the strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about" ~ this came from a book THE LAST LECTURE

  2. Desiree Lester-Reed27 June 2011 at 06:12

    Very true! I actually have read that before on Paula Facci's life coaching page. She's on FB, have a look!
